Do Blog Tags and Categories Help Your SEO?

blog tags and categories

I recently came across more content writers and marketers advocating to clients that they need to use blog tags and categories to help their SEO. Too many of them want to use a lot of tags. I mean LOTS of tags! They believe that simply adding blog tags and categories will help your SEO. I’m […]

For E-A-Ts Sake! Create Better Content

Google Search Quality Guidelines EAT

Want to create better content? Then ask yourself the following questions when you’re writing: Am I providing the reader with a comprehensive answer to their question? Expertise Is my content more thorough than what’s already on the #1 page of the SERPs? Am I presenting the information in a trustworthy way (citing sources, quoting experts)? […]

There Is No Penalty for Duplicate Content – Breaking the Myth

break the myth seo

Did I Just Say That Duplicate Content Is Ok? Wait, what? Did I just say that duplicate content is ok? And that Google doesn’t penalize sites for duplicate content? I’ve written about this in the past (Top 3 Ways to Get Punished by Google) and yes… I’ve fallen for it. It’s so easy to say, […]

Are H1 Tags Critical for SEO?

google logo

In a recent “Google Webmaster Central office-hours” video John Mueller weighed in the subject to say that your site will be fine without H1 tags or with many H1 tags. Basically, they are not critical for Google Search. However, he did say he would use them in the “proper” way on a page. As per […]