Awesome Google I/O Project Glass Demo

This was definitely a great product demo! A jump from a Zeppelin, mt. biking across a roof top with a jump, repelling down a building and mt. biking to the stage.  There was so much that could have gone wrong, but it went quite smoothly. Great work Sergey! Do you think you’ll buy Google Glasses?

Email is Dead… At Least According to Facebook

Facebook came out with it’s next step towards internet domination. With it’s new email or not email or social email platform, or whatever you want to call it. It all sounds very wavesque to me. It sounds great. One place to go for all communication. IM, Facebook chat, SMS and yes, email. They don’t include […]

The Residential Phone Book Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

It looks like the telephone companies have finally seen the writing on the wall… or online. The old “reach out and touch someone,” certainly isn’t happening through the whitepages anymore. In the past month alone, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania approved Verizon Communications Inc.’s request to quit distributing residential white pages and regulators are giving […]

The Broadcast Industry: Is Their Catalyst Model Drying Up?

The cable industry has one of the best Catalyst Business Models out there. Is it finally drying up? I’ve written about the book Catalyst Code before. It’s about how companies, like Visa, Amazon, Google and cable companies, have tapped into a catalyst model for their businesses and created thriving businesses. The way it works is […]

Net Neutrality Takes a Blow

After reading the article, I’m again frustrated that so many people (apparently including some judges) don’t understand the severity of the issue.

Top 10 Most Wired Countries

The USA has dropped the past 3 years in a row, barely making the list this year at number 9. Looks like we need to get our act together!