Follow Up To “Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control”

It says you’ve arrived. Ahead of schedule. VW Jetta 2018

This is a follow up to my previous post “Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control” about the Volkswagen Ad that was out of date. If you remember the copy on the ad was “It says you’ve arrived. Ahead of schedule.” But the date was 2017. Guess what! They updated it and I saw […]

Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control

VW ad on cruise control - from 2017

Everyone gets busy and one of the great things about technology is that it can automate a lot of things. Here are some great examples of automation: The Nest thermostat. Home automation, setting up your lights to automatically come on at night or when you are away. Making your morning coffee. I need this one! […]

Internet Marketers Did Not Invent Content Marketing

michelin man holding michelin guide

Did you know content marketing is not a new concept?   In 1900 Michelin created the Michelin Guide. This is an actual book of content that was used to inform and educate customers. They created a value to customers and potential customers, which in turn created trust. The books included ways to maintain your car as […]

The Slide Definitely the Slide – VW Fast Lane

As an advertising stunt Volkswagen built a slide in a Subway station in Berlin. The slide was placed between an escalator and a set up of stairs. Great way to use a physical action to enforce their marketing campaign: Fast Lane. Then to make it even better they filmed it and put the video on […]

Anti-Google Advertisement Aired in Times Square NYC

A consumer watchdog is airing a video attacking Google’s privacy policies. The video shows Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt as the ice cream man giving away ice cream to kids. After giving the kids the ice cream he tells them he is going to take all their secrets. Then he goes on to tell them secrets […]