Net Neutrality — A Letter to US Senator Arlen Specter

After seeing the news article “FCC rules Comcast violated Internet access policy” I was reminded of the importance of net neutrality. So since I’m located in Pennsylvania, I decided to right US Senator Arlen Specter.

I will take an S for one million

Pat can I buy a vowel? Wait! Make it an S. Ok, that’s $1-million. What?!? I thought you only had to buy vowels??? Oh the state of the alphabet these days.

Microsoft and Yahoo? Google and Yahoo?

And the plot thickens.. Ever since the Microsoft bid for Yahoo was announced, there has been plenty of buzz about what will happen next. There also seems to be a lot of anonymous sources leaking info to the media and floating stories around the internet.

Wikia Search Alpha Goes Live Today

Wikia Search is the new user-based, or social search engine. The brain child of Wikimedia Foundation’s founder and CEO Jimmy Wales… …Will it be a Google killer? Certainly not for sometime. The whole concept is…

Localization World Conference:

Today Localization World kicked off its tenth conference in Seattle Washington, USA. The conference is a meeting place for developers, translators, agencies, international companies and anyone interested in Global business and Localization. Localization World has create a great event to network with other professionals in the industry. Check out their site below for more info… […]

Is Google Getting Too Big For Comfort?

These days it seems that Google has it’s hands in everything. Their latest interest is the radio frequencies that the FCC is auctioning. The frequencies is used for the old UHF television spectrum. Google sent lobbyists to Washington in order to give a hard push for Google’s interests.

Skype: The Microsoft Connection Clarified — Villu Arak

We don’t blame anyone but ourselves. The Microsoft Update patches were merely a catalyst — a trigger — for a series of events that led to the disruption of Skype, not the root cause of it. And Microsoft has been very helpful and supportive throughout.