How much do you need to budget for Social Media in 2011?
I came across a blog post today from a respected speaker in the Social Media Industry (Mack Callier) about costs for social media projects and I thought it might help some of you with budgeting. The data is kind of a barometer for the industry. One of the Mack points out and I completely agree […]
How To: Five Things You Can do With Social Media Marketing
So you made the resolution to get a social media plan off the ground in 2011. Great! It’s already January 4, so let’s get started! Social media marketing is the newcomer to the marketing scene and continues to be a hot topic. Many companies fail when they attempt to leverage it as a marketing tool. […]
Hootsuite iPhone App Fails “Revokes” Access to Facebook and Twitter Accounts
Hootsuite recently changed their service plans and created a pro account. Since I use the application to manage client accounts. I decided to go Pro. One of the great features is the ability to sync accounts and streams with my iPhone. A couple of days ago they released a new update for their iPhone app. […]
The Slide Definitely the Slide – VW Fast Lane
As an advertising stunt Volkswagen built a slide in a Subway station in Berlin. The slide was placed between an escalator and a set up of stairs. Great way to use a physical action to enforce their marketing campaign: Fast Lane. Then to make it even better they filmed it and put the video on […]
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Returns to 60 Minutes (videos)
Mark Zuckerberg sat down with Lesley Stahl today to talk about Facebook and to release their new profile page design. If you missed the live broadcast you can watch it below. Let me know what you think of the new design in the comments. PART 1 PART 2 60 Minutes Overtime: Your New Facebook Page: […]
How to Get Twitter Updates on your Phone without a Twitter Account
Did you know that you can follow someone on Twitter via your phone without a Twitter account? Check out the how to do it below. (from the Twitter help center) Can I get updates from @Twitter without a Twitter account or associated Phone number? Absolutely! This is what Fast Follow is all about. It’s a […]
Being Bad to Your Customers is Now Bad for Your Google Ranking
Brand management online is very important and today Google adjusted their algorithm so the old “any publicity is good publicity” doesn’t work. The decision came after and investigation of DecorMyEyes who harassed a woman and she posted her experience online. The company admitted they were looking for buzz even if it is negative. Being bad […]
LinkedIn Learns to Share, Launches Share Button
LinkedIn the worlds largest business social network launched their own share button. Like Facebook’s share button it can be added to your site so that people can share your content with their LinkedIn Network. You’ll find the code for adding the button to your site on LinkedIn’s Publishers page. You can choose from three different […]
5 Ways Social Media Marketing Can Help Your Business
Social media marketing is a newcomer to the marketing scene and continues to be a hot topic. Many companies fail when they attempt to leverage it as a marketing tool. Often they just don’t understand what the potential of social media marketing really is. This list will help you see what it can do for […]
LinkedIn Adds Open Groups
LinkedIn has recently shifted their philosophy with groups. They have added the option to groups so that the group owners can set the group to a public group or “open group”. The move will allow conversations and posts in open groups to be easily shared throughout the internet. So, if you post something in an […]
Email is Dead… At Least According to Facebook
Facebook came out with it’s next step towards internet domination. With it’s new email or not email or social email platform, or whatever you want to call it. It all sounds very wavesque to me. It sounds great. One place to go for all communication. IM, Facebook chat, SMS and yes, email. They don’t include […]
Webinar: Social Media Meets SEO
Don’t forget today’s webinar: Social Media Meets SEO The webinar starts at 12 Noon. Here’s a taste of what we’ll be talking about. Agenda Define: SEO and Social Media Industry Trends What do the trends mean to your company? How to leverage SEO & Social Media in tandem. Define How to measure success Q&A Join […]