How to Create the Perfect Blog Post

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if hemingway wrote the perfect blog post

Blogging is not something that happens by accident. It is a skill that includes a process. Here are the key factors that go into creating “The Perfect Blog Post.”

Use an Enticing Headline

The title or headline is the first thing that people will see and it’s what shows up in search results, emails and social media platforms. A good title can be what makes or breaks your success for catching a reader’s eye. It should be concise and have an impact!

Don’t Forget the Visuals

Images, graphics, and other visual pieces are what draw in readers. They make a blog post more interesting by breaking up the text. There’s nothing more boring than a long page of text. Make it POP with relevant images. Spend some time to search for royalty-free images, or if you have a bit of dough to spend, buy some great stock photos to liven up your posts.

Don’t Write a Book

Keep your blogs post short and to the point. Even if you have aspirations of writing a book, don’t do it on a single blog post! If it’s too long people won’t read it. On the flip side though, your post needs to add value, so don’t just write a sentence and add a link to something else. A good length is between 450 and 650 words. Also, use headers, bullets, and other formatting to break up the copy and make it easier for readers to digest.

Updated 1/2/2020

While it is good to be concise and not write a bunch of meaningless filler. Long-form content can also be a great way to create authoritative content. If you can write a post with 2,000 words that is meaningful and brings value, definitely do it. However, as you research your topic make sure you look to see what is ranking for your target terms. If the top pages showing in search are lists, it is best to follow the same format and bring more value.

Give It “Shareability”

Give readers a reason to share your content and make it easy for them to do so. Most blogging platforms have plugins that will allow readers to share your content with one click. Use them! Also, use an SEO/Social plugin and make sure you have added a good enticing description. This will encourage more people to read and share your blog posts.

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