Where is this thing called ‘e-Life’ going?

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I’ve decided to start a Blog to discuss issues that are relevant to Blackbird e-Solutions. This will include topics that are of importance in the tech industry, as well as discussions about our products and services. Pretty much all things “e”. I am setting out with a goal to post at least once a week. Although I expect it will be more often, but that is my initial goal. So, let’s get started.

The internet has become a more and more integral part of our lives, creating subcultures that span around the world. As we all try and figure out what part we will take in this e-Society it is causing a number of growing pains for regular people, businesses, lawmakers and basically anyone who has ever logged on to the net. Everyday I am reminded of how this affects all of us. Sitting in a bar talking with a baby boomer and discussing how they believe the Tech. Industry is ignoring a huge market in the older generation. Teens being suspended for something posted on MySpace. Companies now want to charge if you send too many emails to their customers. Others want to filter data flow so they can charge other companies for using their pipelines. Where is all this headed? That is exactly the question we are going to explore…

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