Search Engine Optimization a Continuing Success for TriStarr Staffing

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This past January we procured a new SEO client, TriStarr Staffing. They were planning to build a new website and they contract us to do the SEO for the site. We worked with the web design firm Haley Marketing Group and the project was delivered in June. Then in September we received confirmation that the SEO efforts helped them win clients:

“We went out to visit a new client yesterday and asked how he heard about TriStarr. He said he googled staffing services. We came up third – thanks Bryan” — Scott Fiore VP, Partner TriStarr Staffing

After showing the power of Website Analytics, Blackbird e-Solutions was contracted for a year of SEO Maintenance and Support Services. TriStarr was particularly interested in tracking the path (ie. keywords, landing pages, pages visited) that visitors are following to get to their application forms and how many people completing applications compared to how many viewed them. This is a very important conversion for a staffing agency. They were also interested in tracking referrals that they have paid for from other services/websites.

The optimization efforts are still paying off. Below are a few links showing the search result placements for keywords that TriStarr is targeting:

administrative staffing lancaster pa #1
outsourced recruiting central pa #6
professional recruiting central pa #6

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