Is Page Rank Really Dead?!?

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At PubCon 2008 during his Top-Shelf SEO session Bruce Clay discussed the future of SEO.

In the video below Bruce Clay makes some startling predictions about how ranking will not be the major indicator of good SEO in the near future. As he says, “Rank is dead“Some of the main factors causing the changes are personalized search, behavior-based search, intent-based search, and universal search. These various types of searches are attempts to get into the users head and make search better for each individual. What does this mean? It means that group of people searching from their personal computers can get very different results based on their search and online history.

How does this affect SEO professionals? You will no longer be able to focus on ranking alone. Rank is no longer king, real traffic is the true test. The key is to use analytics to measure traffic, online conversions, bounce rates and other visitor trends. Furthermore, using various types of media such as audio, video, images, etc. This will not only make your site more interesting for your visitors, but the Google spiders will like it more too.

Watch the video: Rank Is Dead

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