Yahoo Search Marketing Changes Their Terms and Conditions – Watch Out!

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I just learned today that Yahoo has just updated their Master Terms & Conditions & Program Terms for their advertising programs. Interestingly the previous link is not so easy to find. You’ll see the title of the page is “MASTER” Terms and Conditions. It is different than the Terms of Service under small business and search engine marketing pages:

"OPTIMIZATION. In the U.S. only, for those advertisers
not bound by an Insertion Order, we may help you optimize your account(s). Accordingly,
you expressly agree
that we may also: (i) create ads, (ii) add and/or remove keywords, and/or (iii)
optimize your account(s).
We will notify you via email of such changes made to
your account(s), and can also include a spreadsheet of such changes upon your
written request. If you would like any of such changes reversed, please reply
to such email within 14 days of the change(s), and we will make commercially
reasonable efforts to reverse the change(s) you specifically identify. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, you remain responsible for all changes made to your account(s)
including all click charges incurred prior to any reversions being made. It is
your responsibility to monitor your account(s) and to ensure that your account
settings are consistent with your business objectives."

Huh?!?! Are you kidding me? The way it reads to me is Yahoo can “optimize” accounts and make changes without so much as asking me. Not only that, I’m responsible for the changes I did not make. Ok, Yahoo will send me an email detailing the changes they’ve made, but how detailed will the explanation be? Plus, how long will it take for me to figure out exactly what they’ve done? Not to mention the money that Yahoo will be collecting until they, per my request “reverse” the changes they made. Plus no refund will be given? This just sounds like a recipe to openly screw advertisers.

Yahoo you really should rethink this one. Is this a sneaky way for you to boost your revenues? Employees as well as customers are leaving in droves already. Something like this has the potential to increase the exodus. As if Yahoo doesn’t have enough problems already..

I can just say Wow!

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