Top 20 Keywords as per Wordtracker

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Top 20 Keywords for Wed 07 January – 16:59:28 pm: From (filtered to “remove offensive” material

Nos Keyword Count
1 myspace 183418
2 google 182731
3 sex 175618
4 redtube 161786
5 youtube 156507
6 yahoo 151527
7 facebook 134812
8 ebay 134070
9 craigslist 120626
10 youporn 119801
11 red tube 106654
12 93054
13 boobs 87721
14 you tube 86054
15 maps 83455
16 mapquest 80877
17 80166
18 80112
19 76235
20 xtube 71247

I always get a kick out of these lists. Without fail there are always domains at the top of the list. Only 3 in the top 20 are not a domain names. It is true that most of them don’t include “.com”, although some in fact do, but who googles “Google”? Or “Yahoo”. Apparently a lot of people!

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