I first came across “Sammelaktion” translating/editing a ERP software package. The previous translator used the translation “collective action.”
Sammelaktionen ( ) Hier koennen Sie die Abwesenheitszeiten fuer mehrere Personen gleichzeitig Aendern
Collective actions ( ) Here you can change the absences for many persons simultaneously.
Die Verarbeitung von Sammelaktionen ist ebenfalls moeglich.
Collective actions can also be processed.
On Proz.com, under KudoZ (search service) people have suggested “bulk action.”
I’ve worked as a consultant in the IT industry in both Germany and the USA. And also more specifically for software companies. We always used “batch process” or some derivation of this. In the software world the the other two translations seem clumsy.
Unfortunately I think I’m stuck with the previous translators choice, but every time I have to translate this it bugs me.
My question is; does anyone else have experience in this field? (i.e. not just translation experience) Do you use the term “batch process”? Can you confirm that I am right/wrong? What are you thoughts about this translation?