Bryan Coe, Founder of Blackbird e-Solutions Quoted About Social Media

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Bryan Coe, President and Founder of Blackbird e-Solutions Quoted in Article About Social Media in Lancaster PA Sunday News:

This past Sunday (July 5, 2009) Bryan Coe, President, and Founder of Blackbird e-Solutions was quoted in an article in the Lancaster PA Sunday News. The article was a discussion of how Social Media/Networking can help you improve your chances of landing a new job. Bryan was contacted by Dennis Larison of Lancaster Newspapers after being referred by Scott Fiore of TriStarr Staffing. TriStarr is a client of Blackbird e-Solutions. When TriStarr was rebuilding their website they called on Bryan to help optimize the site for better results in search engines. Later they contracted Blackbird e-Solutions to get them started with a Social Media plan that included a Facebook Public Profile, setting up a new blog as well as Twitter accounts (@sfiore, @TriStarrStaff).

Here’s what Bryan had to say in the article.

Many companies are beginning to set up their own accounts on social networking sites as another avenue for communicating with customers and other businesses.

Bryan Coe, of Lancaster, started Blackbird e-Solutions four years ago to help those companies.

Although most of his clients are businesses, he said, he can also assist individuals.

Later this month, Coe plans to do a series of Webinars to teach people about using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for business.

People can register, for a $29 fee, for the online training sessions at his Web site

“There isn’t one network out there that you should be on exclusively,” Coe said.

Although MySpace was once the most popular social-networking site, he said, it’s been overtaken by Facebook, which is better for professional networking because the profiles are always set up the same.

Twitter, where people can post short messages, is still evolving, particularly as an aid to business, Coe said, but companies have begun posting jobs there and people can interact with prospective employers using the site.

LinkedIn started out as a place for people to post resumés, Coe said, but it has been adding features along the way, including groups and applications.

“I would recommend that people get involved with LinkedIn answers,” he said.

It’s a part of the site where people can post and answer business questions, and it’s organized by categories and subcategories so a person can burrow down to his professional niche.

Providing solutions for posted questions is a way job seekers can show off their level of expertise to prospective employers, Coe said.

Bryan as well as his company are also actively using social media to engage clients and get the message out. Here are some places you can find them online:

Blackbird e-Solutions Facebook Public Profile
Bryan Coe on LinkedIn
On Twitter @BbeSLLC

Need help with your social networking plan? Contact Blackbird e-Solutions for a free assessment and quote!

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