Your Facebook Friends May be Giving Away Your Privacy

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I was just going over some of my privacy settings on Facebook, since last week Facebook decided to update the whole privacy policy. If you haven’t heard there has been a lot of controversy over the new changes. It seems that they are forcing everyone to be more open with their information. There is speculation that the move is so that the site will be more valuable to search engines because they will be able to harvest more information. One of the things I found most disturbing is the default settings for what your friends can share about you through applications. The image below is the default setting for my account. Even though I have chosen to hide most of the items from the general public and some of it from everyone, Facebook allows friends to share this info by default.

So, if you are using Facebook. I highly recommend thoroughly going through your privacy settings and educating yourself as to what you are actually sharing. Also, you should always remember that anything you post online, shared or not is never 100% secure.

facebook privacy settings


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