Facebook and Your Privacy: How to Opt Out of Instant Personalization

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I know, I know… Yet another post about Facebook. In my last post you saw a video of what the new “open Facebook Block Logograph” api really does. In the video, Zuckerberg also stated that it the new changes don’t change the privacy of their users. This has sparked a lot of discussion across the web. The one thing that does kind of bother me is that by default the new settings are set to share your information with sites using he api, but it is very easy to opt out if you are concerned with companies having access to your information. Here are the steps:

1. Login to your Facebook account
2. In the “Account” dropdown menu choose “Privacy Setting”
3. Select “Applications and Websites”
4. At the bottom you’ll see “Instant Personalization”. Click on the “Edit Setting” button.
5. Uncheck the box: “Allow select partners to instantly personalize their features with my public information when I first arrive on their websites.”

Also take note of the warning below the box.

Please keep in mind that if you opt out, your friends may still share public Facebook information about you to personalize their experience on these partner sites unless you block the application.

You can also edit the privacy settings for what your friends can share about you by clicking the “Edit Settings” button next to “Please keep in mind that if you opt out, your friends may still share public Facebook information about you to personalize their experience on these partner sites unless you block the application.” on the Privacy Settings page.

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