Worried About Your Facebook Privacy Settings? Help Has Arrived!

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In reaction to Facebook’s new privacy policy many people questioning even dumping digital lives on Facebook. I even heard last week that a bunch of Google employees are leaving FB for this reason. Now MySpace, in an attempt to use FB’s new policies to their advantage have vowed to make their settings more transparent and they’ve announced that the default will be set to “only friends”: read more.

If you are confused about the new settings or you’re not sure how to deal with the privacy policies, there is help. ReclaimPrivacy.org has created an application that automatically and safely checks your privacy settings and gives you suggestions for ways to make them more secure. All you have to do is drag their bookmarklet into your bookmarks, login into FB and click the bookmark.

As for their privacy statement it’s short and sweet:

Our privacy policy is not long:

* we never see your Facebook data
* we never share your personal information

Simple. The scanner operates entirely within your own browser.

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