How the Internet Makes our Lives Better

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This past Thursday morning I attended the Lancaster PA Tweetup and ended up talking with another twitterer @LancasterHomes (Jeff Geoghan) about the book he is reading: The 4-Hour Workweek. We talked a lot about ways to simplify, improve and even automate things in your life to give you more time to do what you really want to do. There are some radical ideas in the book, but it got me thinking.

In what ordinary ways has the internet simplified life?

So when I arrived at the office Thursday morning, one of the first things I did was Tweeted and posted on the following question on Facebook:

“I know this is a pretty broad question, but here goes. How do you use the internet to make your life easier?”

I had some great answers too:

“I use the internet to find locations and people. This makes getting to who & where easier.” -@OttomatedSuccess (Melissa Otto)

“It has made finding information, both useful and useless, extremely easy. discovering music, events, people, etc takes seconds.” -@AdamChlan

“Driving directions, travel information, banking, movie information/ticket purchase, student research (wife/kids), working remotely when necessary. None of the rest of the stuff we do makes our lives easier, just more fun” -Andy Woolley

“Living in a rural area it is great for shopping and banking.” -Charles Coe

For me there are a many things ways that the internet has made my life easier or better. Here are just a few:

  • Comunication:
    • Brought me closer to people that are in another part of the world:
      video calls with Skype
    • Online support calls so I don’t have to drive 2 hours to a client site
    • Telephone: Voice over IP or VOIP
  • Entertainment:
    • Video and tv anywhere
    • Listen to radio stations and watch tv stations from Germany.
  • Online banking
  • Driving Directions
  • And essentially I can work from anywhere in the world!

What has your Internet connection done for you lately?

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