LinkedIn Adds Open Groups

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linkedin tilesLinkedIn has recently shifted their philosophy with groups. They have added the option to groups so that the group owners can set the group to a public group or “open group”. The move will allow conversations and posts in open groups to be easily shared throughout the internet. So, if you post something in an open group people will no longer need to log in to read it.

The have made an assurance that anything that was private before will stay that way:

All existing groups will remain members-only unless the group owner proactively chooses to enable public discussions. If that happens, all group members will be informed when they visit the group.

Discussions created in a group before it switches to open will go into the group’s members-only, read-only Archive. They cannot be seen by anyone who is not a member of the group.

Plus, Members only groups will be indicated by this badge Privacy lock whenever you see the group name.

It seems this is an attempt to drive more traffic to the LinkedIn website. What do you think? Is it a good move? A bad move?

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