How to Get Twitter Updates on your Phone without a Twitter Account

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cell phone Did you know that you can follow someone on Twitter via your phone without a Twitter account? Check out the how to do it below. (from the Twitter help center)

Can I get updates from @Twitter without a Twitter account or associated Phone number?

Absolutely! This is what Fast Follow is all about. It’s a new way of receiving Twitter updates. Now you don’t have to sign up or add your phone in order to receive updates!

To get started, send:

"Follow [username]" to 40404 and you will start receiving tweets from that user on your device.

Example: sending "follow BbeS" to 40404 on my cell phone, would mean I’d start getting SMS updates whenever BbeS posted a Tweet.

Find out more here. Remember, even if you don’t have a profile, your use is subjected to Twitter’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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