Do Business Like a Shark – Outsource Company Weaknesses Focus on Strengths

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I just read a post from one of our clients, TriStarr Staffing: Like A Shark – Focus On Your Companies Strengths – Outsource Your Weaknesses In his post Scott explains how sharks outsource their weaknesses so they can focus on what they are good at, hunting.

outsource like a shark

A shark “outsources” its weaknesses: keeping itself clean, and protecting itself from disease, to other fish.  Remoras clean parasites from the shark’s teeth and perhaps skin. Remoras eat the parasites off the underside of the shark to keep it healthy and alive. This allows the shark to remain healthy and focus on what it does best – hunt.  The Remora gets “paid” as well; they get a free meal and “protection.”

This concept can be related to your online marketing plan too. As I mentioned TriStarr Staffing outsources what they don’t understand, and yes it is true even large companies like Adidas, Armstrong and Verizon outsource their online marketing to agencies. Sometimes they even use multiple agencies!

We also work with a company in the industrial sector that is run by brilliant engineers, but when it comes to getting found online they’re at a loss. Your company may be very good at breaking down your client’s problems and delivering great solutions, but getting the word out about your services and successes… maybe not so much.

What’s the take away from this? Be a Shark and concentrate on your strengths and we’ll take care of your online marketing.

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