3 Tips for Creating the Ultimate Landing Page Experience

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Landing Page Tips with a bullseye

A key element of internet marketing is landing pages. We follow the concept your website is the center of your online universe, so your online marketing should be driving traffic to where you do business online: Your website!

You don’t want to just send qualified traffic to a random page or just to your homepage. You may be asking yourself, “Why does it matter?” Let me give you an example.

Your company is running a sale on ski boots. So you set up a campaign to promote your boots, using paid search, social media, and email marketing. A bad experience for users would be to send them to a page about skis instead of boots, or to the home page where they have to click through to find where the ski boots are that are on sale.  You really should send them to a landing page that is specifically about the promotion and creates the least amount of friction for them to buy the ski boots.

Below of 3 tips for creating the ultimate landing page experience that encourages visitors to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, download a whitepaper, or whatever it is you want them to do on your website.

  1. Original and relevant content
    • The landing page should be directly relevant to the ad or social media post that brought visitors there
    • The purpose of your landing page should be clear
    • Your landing page should offer something that other sites don’t
    • Add reviews that show real people that have used your product
  2. Be transparent
    • Your contact information should be easy to find
    • Be clear about what information you are collecting from visitors and how you will use it
    • Make it clear what will happen when visitors perform an action on your page
  3. Make it easy to use
    • The message on your landing page should be clear and concise
    • Keep the number of calls to action or links to a minimum (often this means just one call to action), you don’t want visitors to get confused
    • Make it easy for people to find answers if they have questions

Creating great landing pages by following these three tips will not only help win more conversions but can also help save you money with paid search campaigns too. For example, The price of your bids in Adwords can be directly affected by the quality of your landing pages.

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