For E-A-Ts Sake! Create Better Content

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Google Search Quality Guidelines EAT

Want to create better content? Then ask yourself the following questions when you’re writing:

  • Am I providing the reader with a comprehensive answer to their question? Expertise
  • Is my content more thorough than what’s already on the #1 page of the SERPs?
  • Am I presenting the information in a trustworthy way (citing sources, quoting experts)?
  • Is my content easy to understand, and free from factual, stylistic, and grammar errors?
  • Is my content useful for potential visitors?
  • Do I have supportive facts and information? Authority

If your answer to these questions is a yes, you’re already doing better than (probably) 95% of your competitors.


  • Expertise
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness

This is Google’s way of evaluating if a page is of high quality. Make sure your plage follow E-A-T? By answering the questions above you are on the right path.

Need some help figuring out what Google want when it comes to creating better content? We have your covered. Jump over to our Contact page and let us know!

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