Google Offers Google Ads Credits to Small Businesses

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Google offers Google Ads Credit

With the COVID-19 news, We Wanted to Give You Some Good News.

Google is providing $340 million in Google Ads credits to small businesses, although it isn’t clear yet how much each company will get. Also, while this is not immediate relief, it will help ease the costs marketing this year. You can learn more about it on Google’s site. ‘

 COVID-19: Ad credits for Google Ads Small and Medium-sized Businesses

But here are some quick highlights from Google’s site:

  • Ad credits will be available to small and medium businesses, who advertise directly with Google Ads or through Google partners, around the world with active accounts since the beginning of 2019.
  • Advertisers will be informed in the coming months through notifications in their Google Ads account.
  • This Google Ads credit can be used at any point throughout the year and will expire on 31st Dec 2020. Any unused portion will be removed from Google Ads accounts.
  • Ad credits will be applicable across the Google Ads platform including Search, Display, and YouTube as well as all campaign types.

We will continue to monitor our client accounts to see when the credits are available. But by all means, if you notice it before we do, please let us know. 

If you need help to better understand this program please contact us and we’ll help you navigate through this.

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