Think About The People That Don’t Know You Exist

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I recently had a client tell us that,

“99% of people looking for their service already know what they want to we don’t need to put much copy on our product pages. They already know what it is.” 

social media marketing

Things like this always make me raise an eyebrow. Maybe 99% of the people that buy from you already know what your product or service is or how it can help them. But what about all the people that are not buying from you? If your objective is to increase your sales and grow the company, then you need to speak to these people. 

Many leaders in businesses, especially in the B2B market, think that their niche is too narrow, or they only want to work with “established” businesses. Their logic leads them to believe that the only people looking for their products and services are those that already know that they need their products. This leads to stagnation and often to a lot of naval gazing. 

Your Marketing Copy Sucks!

This becomes painfully obvious in their marketing material. There is a lot of repetition and language such as,

  • We can do this
  • We do that
  • We, we, we

They never address the issues that potential clients have. 

Who Should You Target To Grow Your Business?

Online persona example

To grow the business they need to think about people that don’t know your company exists or maybe even don’t know about the niche that you are in. This could be a new manager, that recently started at a company that could benefit from your products. They are not experienced in the industry yet, so they turn to Google for education.

Create Marketing Copy That Doesn’t Suck!

How do you speak to potential customers? Build content that educates.

  • Tell the story of your niche.
  • Talk about the issues that your clients have and what solutions can solve them. 
  • Write educational material about your product niche.
  • Try to avoid using “we do this”, “our products”, etc.
  • Instead, use “your problem can be solved by doing…”

When you write about solutions and educate, this will help you stop looking at yourself and attract new customers. 

Need Help?

Need more help with creating marketing copy and language that speaks to your prospects? 

Drop us a line and we can discuss how to solve your challenges. Contact Us

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