Everyone is talking about OpenAI. And many people have been saying that it will (and other AI platforms) will replace content creation and content sites.
Testing OpenAI’s Ability to Write Helpful Content
So this morning, I decided to give it a try for writing content related to soccer. From what I can see, it still needs work. Check out my experiments below. Quotes designate what I instructed the AI to do, and the responses are in blue.
“Write about offsides in soccer.”
Offsides in soccer is a rule that states a player is in an “offside position” if he/she is closer to the opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent. This rule is intended to prevent players from gaining an unfair advantage by waiting near the opponents’ goal for a pass.
When a player is in an offside position, the referee will raise his arm and blow the whistle, indicating that the player is in an illegal position. The player must then retreat back to a legal position, or risk being given a yellow card by the referee.
Offsides can be a difficult rule to understand, but it is a critical part of the game. It encourages players to keep the ball in play and move up and down the field as a team, rather than having just a few players camped out in the opponents’ half of the field.
In this example, it does not appear to understand the rules. “The player must then retreat back to a legal position, or risk being given a yellow card by the referee.” This doesn’t make much sense. If a player is in an offsides position and the ref blows the whistle, the other team receives a free kick.
“Write an article about offsides in soccer.“
Offsides is a rule in soccer that is often confusing for both players and spectators alike. This rule is put in place to ensure that players are not playing unfairly and that the game is fair and competitive.
Offsides is a rule that states that a player is not allowed to be in the opponents half of the field, or in the area directly in front of the goal, when the ball is passed to them. If the player is in either of these positions when the ball is passed, the referee will blow their whistle and award the opposing team a free kick.
For a player to be in an offside position, three conditions must be met. Firstly, there must be two opposing players between the player and the goal line. Secondly, the player must be closer to the goal line than both the ball and the second to last defender. And thirdly, the player must be actively involved in the play, either attempting to receive the ball or have the ability to affect the play.
Offsides is a difficult rule to master and many players can find themselves in an offside position without even realising it. Due to this, many teams employ strategies to ensure that they are not in an offside position when they
In this example, there are many grammatical errors. Plus, the AI also makes statements that don’t really make sense. It gets the free kick part right, but “or in the area directly in front of the goal,” is not correct. The rule does not include anything about “directly in front of the goal.” You can be offsides in any part of the opponent’s half of the field, but there are conditions.
The AI goes on to try and explain the conditions, but it is hard to follow. Then the last paragraph is also quite strange. “Due to this, many teams employ strategies to ensure that they are not in an offside position when they” I’m not sure what it means to “employ strategies to ensure that they are not in an offside position,” and it stops in mid-sentence.
OpenAI For Content Is Just Another Tool
While this is a very limited experiment, in my opinion, AI content is still just another tool. Like grammar-checking software or translation software tools.
It may be helpful for content creators to help create content quickly. However, they will still need to proof and edit the copy. So the question then becomes. Is it better just to write it yourself?
The sad part is I’ve hired agencies and copywriters to write content that is no better than this. Maybe they were really AI Bots!