75 Reasons to Be Glad You are an American Entrepreneur Right Now, Leading Your Company Article – Inc. Article

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Three good reasons from the list:

Number 43

Because it’s still easier to balance your life when you own a successful business. And more people than ever wish they could arrange that balance for themselves.

Number 52

Because so many of the changes that bring opportunity also pose threats. Vanishing borders, technological enfranchisement, the ascendancy of ideas over resources–trends that enable everyone to compete with everyone–are the kinds of developments that will benefit those who capitalize on them, but will swamp those who don’t. Entrepreneurs are positioned to do the capitalizing.

Number 61

Because you can decide, if you want, that getting rich is beside the point and focus instead on accomplishing something else entirely

And my favorite:

Number 75

Because, in the end, being an entrepreneur is more than ever the way you can choose your path and find the deep satisfaction of walking it. You can earn your days without being beholden. You can make something, affect the world, leave something behind where once nothing stood. You can turn work into meaning for yourself and for others. You can be proud. You can leave a wake. Come good or ill, you can assume responsibility for yourself, and be whole, and be who you were meant to be.

Read the full list:
75 Reasons to Be Glad You’re an American Entrepreneur Right Now, Leading Your Company Article – Inc. Article

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