Picture of Me in the New Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Video – At the Center

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The Lancaster Chamber released a new video of Tom Baldrige today. They have created a new video site where Tom will be doing monthly videocasts that will be emailed to chamber members. The videos are meant to keep members up to speed with what’s happening at the chamber.

In the latest video Tom talks about the mission of the chamber: To build Lancaster County into a model of prosperity for 21st century America. As he elaborates on this message a number of images scroll through in the upper left corner of the video. The 4 one is of me! I’m sitting in front of a laptop with Jen Strobel. The picture is from a series of photos that were taken when Blackbird e-Solutions Superior Wash of PA were featured in the Lancaster Chamber Newsletter back in May 2008. Too bad it doesn’t say this in the video. Check out the previous post about this:
Blackbird e-Solutions Featured in Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and Industry Newsletter!

I would love to embed the video in my blog so you could view it right here, but the chamber hasn’t set up that capability yet. I think it would really benefit them if they had the videos on YouTube and then allowed people to add them to blogs and websites. This would help increase the chambers online presence and exposure.

Anyway, without further adieu, here’s the link to the video. Make sure you look for me!

Lancaster Chamber — At the Center video

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