A Tough Economy Calls for New Ways to Find a Job

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I’ve been doing a lot of work with staffing agencies recently so I’ve been hearing a lot about what’s happening on the job market. With the tough economy and demise of many newspapers, both companies as well as recruiting and staffing firms are looking for new ways to find good people. That mean there are a number of “new” ways for job seekers to search for jobs.

There are three that come to mind this morning. The first Facebook, which obviously has been a topic of recently. If you have been reading my recent posts, you know I’ve been talking about it a lot recently. So I won’t discuss it too much, but many companies and agencies are using Facebook Pages to attract potential candidates.

As Twitter gets more and more buzz, more applications that take advantage of the Twitter platform are popping up. One of the latest is TwitterJobSearch, started by a UK job search engine Workhound. What it does is compiles job related Tweets and links to the full job description. Although the links send you to other job sites, the benefit is that you search across many job site that are using Twitter feeds to broadcast their job postings. You can search for specific jobs as well as their location: e.g. Graphics Designers in Philadelphia. (At the time of writing I received 176 results.)

Another source for job seekers is job auction site, Jobaphile$. The way this site works is you search for a job type. You can filter the results via a dropdown menu for “Locations”, “Categories” and duration (full time, part time or Gig). Then you place a bid for how much you want to be paid for the job. Very similar to eBay.

When looking for a job, especially in a tough economy, you need to take advantage of any tools you can find. Hopefully these will help. Good luck!

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