Check Out Our New Business Cards.. Finally!

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After what has seemed to be ages… ok it did really take a loong time to get done. Chalk it up to a designer flaking out on us, client work taking priority and well just general busyness (is that a word?). I know all poor excuses, but we finally have our new cards!

First, I would like to thank our designer Mark L. for doing an awesome job with the design, as well as Neil Rhen at Executive Printing Co. Inc. Neil did a great job getting the cards printed for a reasonable price and the turn around was excellent! If you are looking for some new cards, you can find him on Twitter as @NeilRhen or contact him the old fashioned way: 717-333-9797 Tell him Bryan sent you.

If you remember I posted about a poll way back in September: Help Us Pick Our New Business Cards! Thanks to everyone who participated! We received a pretty good response and your opinions definitely helped. We ended up using the most popular version for the front.

Funny thing though, I did receive a rather nasty response from one of my former Twitter followers. First he was very angry that I used a polling system on Facebook. He told me using Facebook is not a good example of internet marketing. I guess he has never heard of Social Media. The guy was a former employee of Lancaster Newspapers and I must say… disgruntled. I’m not sure if he was fired or what happened, but there were definite anger issues as he rambled on about his career at the newspaper. He even went so far as to say that only sleezy used car salesmen use business cards. Um really? I’m headed out to a chamber mixer tonight and wonder what this guy would have me do. Write peoples names and numbers on my hand??? I also wonder what percentage of people there will have business cards?

Anyway I digress. Check out the front and back below and if you are attending the mixer tonight make sure to ask me for a card. 😉

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