Join Us At Our New Location

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we're moving - Blackbird e-Solutions LLC

This summer is shaping up to be a hot one and we have some hot news too!

Less than a year ago, last September, we officially open our doors again and started taking on new clients. Now less than 10 months later we are opening a new office.

You may have heard of the coworking space in downtown Lancaster, The Candy Factory, but did you know they also have private offices? They do!

“Once I heard about the plan to offer private offices as well, I was immediately interested.” Bryan

Bryan Coe

The new offices are across the parking lot from the main coworking space. We decided it was a great opportunity to establish a new location and join a thriving community. The Candy Factory offers many opportunities to network with other people and companies in Lancaster, plus the space itself is great too!

Starting in July, we’ll be working there periodically, but as of the 1st of August it will officially be our new home.  Our address will be.

Blackbird e-Solutions LLC
342 North Queen St, Rear
Lancaster, PA 17603

If you’re not sure where that is, it is right behind the Alley Cat. Use the alleyway between the Alley Cat and the CVS on Lemon St.

Join us for an open house!

On August 2nd The Candy Factory will be hosting the First Annual Community Festival Celebrating 9 Years of Coworking in Lancaster. The event is open to the public from 6-9pm. Stop by and check out our new digs!

Hope to see you then!

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