All About The Data – Google Buys Looker – Salesforce Buys Tableau

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Do You Understand Your Data?

These acquisitions headline the growing interest in data and more so the need to understand data. The problem that’s also outlined in the article is more so the lack of understanding the data. What Salesforce and Google acquisitions tell us about data trends, and why this matters

Powerful data tools are great, but I’ve often found that since data has become such a hot word, executives have heard that they need data and should be looking at it. But when presented with data, and the story that goes along with it, they still fail to understand what it really means and worse what to do with it.

So while we definitely need more analysts and data scientists, those of us that are already working in the data/analytics field also need to educate upper management and executives on how they can understand and execute a strategy based on data.

Does your company have a data transformation plan? Does it include education for executives and managers to help them understand data?

If you answered “no,” let’s talk! Contact a analytics specialist.

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