Facebook Lookalike Audiences, What Good Are They?

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Facebook Ads are a very powerful way to reach your prospective customers online. With Facebook’s targeting, you can get very granular about specifically who you are trying to reach. You can target people’s interests, what types of things they like on Facebook, their activities online and much more. This technique can create very narrow niches that will reach people that are highly likely to be interested in your product or services.

But Facebook Has More To Offer

Now let’s say you have a loyal following and you know who your customers are. What would you do?

Enter from stage right,
Lookalike Audiences

You can create a Lookalike Audience based on this group and Facebook will find people that are similar (or “look like”) them. This will expand your reach to a new group of people, without the struggle of trying to figure out how to reach new people or figure out what makes these people tick. Facebook already knows that they have similar interests and demographics to your best customers. Awesome, right?

As with most things quality also matters. A source audience that is based on your best customers is going to produce a better Lookalike Audience than all of your customers or just using site visitors.

You also need to understand smaller Lookalike Audiences will be a much closer match to the source audience than a larger audience.

Create a Lookalike Audience

To create a Lookalike Audience, you need to create a Source Audience. This can be done with a Custom Audience in 3 ways:

  1. With your pixel data: A pixel is a bit of code that Facebook provides and you add to your site.
  2. Your mobile app data
  3. Or fans of you Page

Another that makes this work so well is you can choose how wide you want to cast your net when you create the audience. Facebook recommends a source group of 1,000 to 50,000. First, you just need to upload your list. Then you choose what country or countries you would like to find lookalikes. Last you choose what percentage of the population (between 1% and 10%).

That’s it!

High Fives All Around!

Now sit back and let Facebook do its thing. Soon you’ll have a brand new target audience to engage with.

Do you need help with setting up your audiences or Paid Social Ads in general?
Then let’s talk!

We can help you with creating a Digital Strategy, Paid Social Management and/or interpreting the Analytics to make sure it is all working.

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