Facebook Lookalike Audiences, What Good Are They?

Facebook Ads are a very powerful way to reach your prospective customers online. With Facebook’s targeting, you can get very granular about specifically who you are trying to reach. You can target people’s interests, what types of things they like on Facebook, their activities online and much more. This technique can create very narrow niches […]
Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control

Everyone gets busy and one of the great things about technology is that it can automate a lot of things. Here are some great examples of automation: The Nest thermostat. Home automation, setting up your lights to automatically come on at night or when you are away. Making your morning coffee. I need this one! […]
@BbeS Changing to @BryanSCoe on November 14, 2014

The official Blackbird e-Solutions Twitter account will now be managed solely by our founder Bryan Coe. Bryan will merge his personal account into @BbeS and change the name to @BryanSCoe. The old personal account will then become @BryanSCoe1. If you follow @BbeS on Twitter have no fear, you won’t have to do anything to continue following Tweets […]
September Tweetup in Lancaster PA

It’s only a few days until the September TweetUp! Join Blackbird e-Solutions LLC as we co-host this month’s Tweetup at Commonwealth On Queen. Thursday, September 25, 2014 Every month we seem to get more “Tweeple” at our monthly Tweetups. There’s no real agenda just a chance to meet a few new people and enjoy good conversation. This […]
The Mantra of Digital Marketing: Be of Value!

Some great words of wisdom from Albert Einstein. This is something that directly applies to Digital Marketing. “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” The key here is “To be of VALUE.” By creating something of value, success will follow. Here are 3 things to think about when creating content: Is […]
August TweetUp In Lancaster PA

It’s time for our monthly TweetUp! Join Blackbird e-Solutions LLC as we co-host this month’s Tweetup at Commonwealth On Queen. Thursday, August 28, 2014 It’s a great way to meet a few new people and enjoy good conversation with your morning coffee. We had a great turnout last month. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone […]
How Staffing Agencies Can Leverage Facebook Graph Search for Recruiting

Last February I wrote a piece about Facebook’s, then new, Graph Search (Clarifying Facebook Graph Search). The post centered on how Graph Search worked and what digital marketers need to do to take advantage of it. “Think 6 degrees of separation. Graph Search is Facebook’s attempt to really use their platform to find information.” Today […]
Social Media Meets Real Life at the June Tweetup

Social Media meets real life! Next Thursday we’re hosting June Tweetup! Come out and join us for some coffee and networking. See you there! Don’t forget to follow ths hosts on Twitter @BbeS & @CommonwealthonQ Here are the details: When: Thursday, June 26th at 7:30am Where: Commonwealth on Queen Want to join? Let us know! Follow the link to RSVP: June Tweetup
Which Marketing Channel Will Give You the Best Results? [Infographic]

This is a very interesting study performed by Conductor. We often here people, even other marketers, touting that, “SEO is dead” or “Email is dead.” According to this study they are both alive and kicking! The study examined four areas: Social media marketing Email marketing Paid ads (Paid Search and Paid Social Ads) SEO They […]
We’re Co-hosting the Lancaster Tweetup This Thursday 7:30 AM

Tweetups are back! We’re bringing Tweetup back to Lancaster. This Thursday morning at 7:30 at Commonewealth On Queen, 301 North Queen St. Lancaster. Special thanks to Mark Reinmiller for offering his cafe. For more info and to RSVP: Lancaster Tweetups February Tweetup Join us for breakfast, coffee and good conversation from 7:30 until as long […]
Internet Marketers Did Not Invent Content Marketing

Did you know content marketing is not a new concept? In 1900 Michelin created the Michelin Guide. This is an actual book of content that was used to inform and educate customers. They created a value to customers and potential customers, which in turn created trust. The books included ways to maintain your car as […]
Marketing Automation: Close The Loop on Marketing and Sales With

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker Nearly half a century ago John Wanamaker made this comment. Sadly many businesses still feel this way. However, with today’s technology including Marketing Automation and visitor tracking, online marketers have the tools to “close the loop” […]