HootSuite Users Can Now Use HootSuite to Manage Their Google+ Pages
After asking and asking and well… asking again, HootSuite users can now use HootSuiite to manage their Google+ pages! HootSuite is an online dashboard that allows people manage multiple social media accounts as well as work with teams. When working with a team you can do such things as assign tweets to your team members, […]
Employers: You Might Not Be Able to Demand Access to Employee’s Social Media Accounts
On June 18, 2012 the PA House of Representatives introduced Bill 2332, also known as – PA’s Social Media Privacy Protection Act. The bill is meant deter employers from requesting social media passwords and access to personal social media accounts of employees and prospective employees. Employers are still able to view and use what is found […]
Awesome Google I/O Project Glass Demo
This was definitely a great product demo! A jump from a Zeppelin, mt. biking across a roof top with a jump, repelling down a building and mt. biking to the stage. There was so much that could have gone wrong, but it went quite smoothly. Great work Sergey! Do you think you’ll buy Google Glasses?
Is “Social Media” More Important Than “SEO”?
Today another local marketing firm post an interesting statistic on Facebook. It was about the graph below where Google Trends shows how “social media” is now search on more than SEO and they implied that because of this, we should be spending our money on social media instead of SEO. Although this is an interesting […]
Ready or Not Here They Come – Facebook Pages Get Timeline on March 30, 2012
You’ve probably seen or heard about timeline on Facebook’s personal profiles. As Facebook adapts to compete with competitors such as the newest social media sweetheart Pinterest, they are now rolling out Timeline to pages as well. The change will officially happen on March 20, 2012, however you can also test it now. There are quite […]
Elaborate Tools Are Great, But It’s The Skills That Make Us Pros
Can good tools make you better? Sure, but don’t forget it’s the skills that make you a pro. Watch the video for a great example of this. What skills do you have that make you a pro?
YouTube Update: The New Google. Does “Don’t be Evil” Still Apply? – Part 2
This is the second entry of our series about the changes at Google and Larry Page are making a lot of changes as we head into 2012. Decide for yourself if they are still following the “Don’t be Evil” mantra. Read the first post in the series here: The New Google. Does “Don’t be Evil” […]
Is Google Walling Out the Rest of the Internet to Make Their Search Better?
In the last few months we’ve seen a number of changes released by the search powerhouse Google. The updates are coming at a fast and furious pace. Today’s addition as well as one of their previous changes have been doing more than raise a few eyebrows. There is sure to be more talk about anti-trust […]
Facebook Thinks I Should Subscribe to MySpace?
Ok, not really MySpace, but one of the creators of MySpace; Tom Anderson. With Facebook’s new subscribe feature You can subscribe to people’s updates without being friends. This is a clear reaction to Twitter and Google+. So not only does Facebook serve up friend suggestions, but now who you should subscribe to. You can control […]
I’d Like to Add You to My Professional Network — Um Why?
LinkedIn is a great tool for networking. It’s also a great tool for meeting new people that you would like to connect with. You can connect to people through your current connections, groups, as well as many other ways. I’m also a big advocate of using the network to help promote yourself and your business. […]
Facebook Updates Privacy Controls: Streamlines Inline Privacy Control
“New: Control privacy inline – when you post or after.” With Google’s new Google+ network Facebook has been forced to look at their privacy setting and tools again. Their reaction has been to update how you can control your privacy settings. Below is a quick pictorial tour of how the new tool works. Who […]
4 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Network Like a Pro
There is always a lot of talk about Facebook breaking records for sheer numbers of users and now Google+ has come a long and proved to be the fastest growing network of all time, but their cousin LinkedIn is still the networking site for business. LinkedIn has morphed from it’s early days of just being […]