Are H1 Tags Critical for SEO?

google logo

In a recent “Google Webmaster Central office-hours” video John Mueller weighed in the subject to say that your site will be fine without H1 tags or with many H1 tags. Basically, they are not critical for Google Search. However, he did say he would use them in the “proper” way on a page. As per […]

Breathing Life Into the Lancaster PA SEO Professionals Group

Hey Lancaster PA SEO and marketing professionals! There used to be a vibrant SEO group in Lancaster (Lancaster SEO Professionals), but unfortunately, it has been neglected for about 6 years. Guess what though. We’re helping to revive it! Our founder Bryan is part of a team of SEO professionals that are attempting to revive the […]

How To Turn On Call Tracking in Google Ads

Google ads logo

Something Strange Happened With Google Ads Call Tracking Recently. Call tracking and Click to Call ads are a great way to reach potential customers quickly. Especially on mobile devices. They have an opportunity to click right on the ad and call your business, which means there is very little friction. We’ve been using call tracking […]

Topic Clusters for SEO Value

topic clusters for seo

Topic Clusters is not a new topic, but it is getting a good deal of buzz recently. It’s also similar to the Digital Marketing Flowchart I’ve talked about for years. Think Macro SEO In the case of Digital Marketing, the idea is that your website is the center of your universe. Everything you post, release, […]

Which is Best For SEO: Subdomains or Subfolders?

What’s better for SEO using a subdomain or subfolder? Is there a reason why?
This is an age old debate when it comes to SEO. If you ask Google they’ll say they don’t really care if you use a subfolder or subdomain. You have to use what’s best for you.

How to Improve Google Ads Quality Score

paid search quality score judges

I’m often asked things like the following about Quality Score in Google Ads. Can you SEO our landing page so it improves the quality score in Google Ads? We optimized our site, so why isn’t our quality score better? SEO Does Not Fix Quality Scores While optimizing a page for organic search can have the […]

How Much Should We Pay for SEO Services? SEO Pricing

seo pricing

As an SEO services agency, we are often faced with the question “How much should I really be paying for SEO services?” That is often a loaded question. It usually depends on the industry and the state of the companies findability when we talk to them. Look at it this way for industries that are […]

SEO is no Longer About Keywords

search intent or user intent

(SEO) Search Engine Optimization is no longer just about Keywords, it is about “searcher intent”. Searcher intent (also known as “user intent”) is the reason a person has for entering a query through a search engine. It used to be you just had to find the keywords people searched for and add them to your […]

SEO is a Strategy NOT a Tactic: Part 3 in a 3 Part Series

SEO Strategy with keywords

This is the third installment of a three-part series about how SEO needs to be thought of as a strategy, not just a tactic. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, compared to 1.7% for outbound leads (Imforza) For any content that you put online, it is critical that it is optimized. Otherwise, you end […]

SEO is a Strategy NOT a Tactic: Part 1 in a 3 Part Series

SEO Strategy with keywords

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often thought of as a strangely mystical practice that many people, including marketers, don’t understand. It then becomes an afterthought. The thing is though it is just a strategy that starts with the question, “what are people searching for online?” Keyword research is instrumental in answering this question. It can […]

Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control

VW ad on cruise control - from 2017

Everyone gets busy and one of the great things about technology is that it can automate a lot of things. Here are some great examples of automation: The Nest thermostat. Home automation, setting up your lights to automatically come on at night or when you are away. Making your morning coffee. I need this one! […]

SEO and Web Design – Plan for a Ongoing Updates

website optimization services

I’ve written about this before (read Building a Website & Getting it Found Online is Not a “Once & Done” Tactic), but unfortunately many people still believe if they build and optimize a website once their site will be #1 in Search. Sadly this is rarely if ever the case with SEO and Web Design. You could […]