Blackbird e-Solutions Signs Deal With

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On Thursday April, 24 2008 Blackbird e-Solutions signed a new contract with Cartango Inc. of Manheim, PA regarding the set-up of a web analytics plan for their site Cartango. Blackbird e-Solutions will provide consulting services for web analytics software set-up and training for Cartango’s staff. The training will include how to manage the analysis software, as well as comprehensive reporting for traffic sources (direct, referral site, search engines), marketing info. (region, city, OS, etc.) and goal conversion reporting.

“The web analytics set-up and management is a service we provide for our clients, particularly all of our (SEO) Search Engine Optimization clients. However in this case we are adapting it to help Cartango get their analysis up running and help give them the skills to do the management themselves,” said Bryan Coe, founder and President of Blackbird e-Solutions.

Cartango is a new vehicle buying site that uses a socially interactive approach to aide female buyers. (More about Cartango) “We are excited to have the opportunity to work such a forward thinking company,” said Bryan Coe.

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