Now Is The Time To Strengthen The Digital Foundation of Your Business

Now Is The Time To Strengthen The Digital Foundation of Your Business

What is the heart of your online digital presence? Your website! Here are 6 best practices for onsite SEO to secure your foundation. Meta tags: Make sure your titles and meta descriptions are unique enticing and relevant to what is on each page. I.e. keywords. Page/site speed: Make sure your site is optimized for speed. […]

How To Survive The COVID-19 Crisis And Plan For The Future

how can you survive the covid-19 crisis and plan for the future

First let me just say, we are still open and actively working with clients. Remotely of course. These are very strange times indeed. With the spread of the COVID-19 crisis the stock market has tanked, many businesses are closed, and others are discovering remote work for the first time. Also, people are holding on to […]

Google Offers Google Ads Credits to Small Businesses

Google Ads Logo

With the COVID-19 news, We Wanted to Give You Some Good News. Google is providing $340 million in Google Ads credits to small businesses, although it isn’t clear yet how much each company will get. Also, while this is not immediate relief, it will help ease the costs marketing this year. You can learn more […]

Do Blog Tags and Categories Help Your SEO?

blog tags and categories

I recently came across more content writers and marketers advocating to clients that they need to use blog tags and categories to help their SEO. Too many of them want to use a lot of tags. I mean LOTS of tags! They believe that simply adding blog tags and categories will help your SEO. I’m […]

For E-A-Ts Sake! Create Better Content

Google Search Quality Guidelines EAT

Want to create better content? Then ask yourself the following questions when you’re writing: Am I providing the reader with a comprehensive answer to their question? Expertise Is my content more thorough than what’s already on the #1 page of the SERPs? Am I presenting the information in a trustworthy way (citing sources, quoting experts)? […]

Guest Blogging – Digital Marketing Term of the Week

guest blogging is good for SEO

Guest Blogging or Guest Posting is when you post on another company’s blog. Typically the site is in a related or complementary industry. Guest blogging can be an effective way to get exposure for you and your company. It can also offer a good way to gain backlinks from authoratitive sites. This can have a […]

Why The Income Store Is Just 1 Bad Actor | Investing in Online Businesses

investing in online businesses buying websites

I’m writing this post in response to the news of the pending SEC investigation and shutting down of The Income Store. I felt I should post something for a few reasons: Partly to defend the industry and the alternative investment vehicle of investing in websites or online businesses. Because unfortunately, there are bad actors in […]

Top 2 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2020

ai - artificial intelligence holding the world

The new year always comes with new things. This year we decided to put together a short list, a very short list, of some of the most important digital marketing trends for 2020. So here goes! 1. Digital Intelligence We’ve done a lot of talking about “the digital transformation” in 2019. This is only going […]

Conversion Rate – Digital Marketing Term of the Week

online marketing conversion funnel

Conversion Rate is the total number of actions taken (I.e. a form fill, download, newsletter signup, a purchase, etc.) on your website as compared to the total number of visits By developing a deep understanding of your conversion rate and what a conversion really means to you, you can build a better digital marketing strategy. […]

Sessions (Visits) – Digital Marketing Term of the Week

session diagram showing how sessions are defined

Sessions (also called Visits) are the number of times someone visits your site or app. An individual visitor can have multiple sessions/visits. Used in digital analytics. If a visitor comes to the site but then is inactive for 30 minutes the session/visit will automatically end. If they then click on something after the 30 minute […]