The World Has Gone #Hashtag Crazy – Justin Timberlake Video

It seems these days everyone is jumping on the #Hashtag bandwagon. The phenomenon was started by Twitter users. Essentially it started as a tag on a post to signify what the post was about. This created a way to tag your post so it would come up in search even though you didn’t explicitly mention […]
Facebook Security Settings Are Under Your Control

There seems to be another chain post on Facebook that is misleading people about how Facebook security settings work. Here’s the post: “Hello to all of you who are on my list of contacts of Facebook. I would like to ask a favor of you…. You may not know that Facebook has changed its privacy […]
Simplified Blogging – Blogging Before the Internet Age
Think blogging is new. This is what it looked like before the internet age.
Do Business Like a Shark – Outsource Company Weaknesses Focus on Strengths

I just read a post from one of our clients, TriStarr Staffing: Like A Shark – Focus On Your Companies Strengths – Outsource Your Weaknesses In his post Scott explains how sharks outsource their weaknesses so they can focus on what they are good at, hunting. A shark “outsources” its weaknesses: keeping itself clean, and protecting […]
Content Marketing: The Evolution of Online Marketing

We are at another turning point for online marketing. In the past year Google has reaffirmed the old mantra “Content is King” by updated their algorithm to penalize sites that were using SEO trickery to gain higher placement in search results. Think Panda and Penguin Updates. The advice coming out of the Googleplex has been […]
Facebook Honors MySpace, Adds Mood To Posts
Out with the old, in with… no wait how does that goo? If you don’t have something new, use something old?? Anyway, Facebook has added a throw back to the MySpace mood. You remember MySpace right. “Bryan is feeling happy.. is feeling sad …feeling bored….” —- Actually there’s a bit more to it too. You […]
LinkedIn Skill Endorsements – Are You Providing Value or Gaming The System?
Some time ago LinkedIn added “Skill Endorsements” to their profiles. This is a way for others to validate you for your skills. Or perhaps it can be taken as a vote of confidence. I think this is a great idea. However if you were waiting for it, here comes the “but.” It seems with every […]
Do You Use or Third Party Apps?
There has been a lot of talk recently about Twitter shutting out developers and third party apps. One of the latest casualties has been photo apps. Twitter has removed most third party apps so that people need to use Twitter to post photos. I think I can understand why they are doing it. They need […]
A Holistic Approach to Web Development, SEO, Social Media

The Protocall Group Selects Blackbird e-Solutions for website development We are proud to announce that one of our oldest and best clients has chosen Blackbird e-Solutions for their website development as they re-brand from Protocall Staffing to The Protocall Group. The project was initiated earlier this spring because their current website, developed in 2007, is […]
Don’t Fall for Automated Reputation Management Services
So this totally sounds like a scam. The fact that Mashable posted this makes me lose a bit of respect for them as well. This is the title of the post on Mashable: Change the Top Google Search Result for Your Name for Free This is supposedly a service from Norton. Norton can’t guarantee what […]
@BbeS – The Official Twitter Profile for Blackbird e-Solutions
2012 has bee a good year for us and we are on target for more growth in the 4th quarter. With growth comes change. One of the changes is how we use Twitter. As an entrepreneur and founder of Blackbird e-Solutions, my name is attached to the company and many of the tools we use. […]
How To Use LinkedIn to Connect Like a Pro
It happens quite often that I receive connect requests through LinkedIn from people I don’t know, where the sender only sends the standard message: I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate that someone found me interesting enough to send that request. However I wonder about […]