Is Mashable Subtly Convincing People to Say Nice Things About Them?
I came across this today when I was reading a post on and I found it a bit curious. I guess you can interpret “constructive” as constructive criticism, but it sort of comes across as “say nice things so the community will like you?” What do you think is this a good practice or […]
How to Increase Your Likability and Network Like a Pro (Infographic)
Is Crowdsourcing as Smart as We Hope?
Yesterday, I came across an interesting Peta Pixel: Why You Shouldn’t Give Too Much Weight Too Anonymous Online Critics, and it got me thinking. Briefly, here’s what what the the post was about: In 2006 a guy name André Rabelo submitted the photo below to group called DeleteMe!, where members of the group vote on […]
Does Your Company Need a Social Networking Policy?
Social Media in the Workplace Do You Need a Social Networking Policy by Jeannine Hohman, HR Strategist, TriStarr Staffing Today’s employers are faced with many challenges, including managing a multi-generational workforce. Employees come from many backgrounds, cultures and the generations may span between World War II (born before 1940) and Baby Boomer (born 1941 – […]
What Does Social Media Really Cost?
A few weeks ago I was speaking to a local business group about the advantages of using social media marketing for business promotion and I included a slide that showed the costs of using social media. The main point I was trying to drive home was “Time is Money.” Basically you have two options you […]
How to Schedule Bulk Twitter & Facebook Posts with Hootsuite
I’m definitely not a believer in bots, or that you should solely use a scheduler for your Twitter or Facebook profile, because after all it’s about engaging not spitting out automated updates. However, sometimes automation is a great thing. I run a website for soccer enthusiasts in Central Pennsylvania called and every week we […]
Facebook Company Profile Not Visible to Public When Using Country Restrictions
Last week one of my clients Protocall Staffing (A staffing company serving southern and central NJ as well as southeast PA) discovered that their Facebook Company Profile was not visible to the public anymore. In order to view their company page you needed to be signed into Facebook. Previously it didn’t matter if you were […]
Local Marketing is the Key to Going Global
I haven’t posted much for the last couple of weeks because I’ve been doing some traveling. Right now I’m sitting in a Ferienwohnung (vacation apartment) in a subburb of Munich Germany. As I’ve been traveling I’ve taken notice of how social media and search are used by local businesses. It’s also been interesting to hear […]
10 Things Organizations Need to Be Comfortable With When They Start Using Social Media
How comfortable is your organization? Releasing control to allow the community to grow organically. Being open with communication about organization and products. Encouraging community members to discuss products and services. People saying bad things about the company and being able to respond objectively and openly. Others writing content for the community. Asking for honest feedback, […]
Wondering About the Cost of Social Media? Think: “Time is Money”

Their is a misconception among a lot of businesses and business owners that Social Media is free. When I come across people that believe this, I try to explain to them that even though many of the tools and platforms are free, using the free tools correctly is not. The old adage always comes to […]
LinkedIn Business Profiles: Add Admins to Your Company’s Profile
Did you know that you can now add admins to your company’s LinkedIn profile? It used to be once you created a profile for your company only you were able to edit it. Then they added the feature that anyone who has an email from your company domain. Now, you can add people in your […]
Social Media ROI – What’s Your Plan?
Whenever I’m pitching new business, one of the first questions or concerns I hear is, “What’s the ROI for Social Media?” Of course businesses want to know what they will get for their investment in this new medium. Fair enough. After reading a post this morning by Brian Solis: Social Media ROI: ROI Doesn’t Stand […]