Follow Up To “Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control”

This is a follow up to my previous post “Resist Putting Your Digital Ads on Cruise Control” about the Volkswagen Ad that was out of date. If you remember the copy on the ad was “It says you’ve arrived. Ahead of schedule.” But the date was 2017. Guess what! They updated it and I saw […]
LinkedIn Skill Endorsements – Are You Providing Value or Gaming The System?
Some time ago LinkedIn added “Skill Endorsements” to their profiles. This is a way for others to validate you for your skills. Or perhaps it can be taken as a vote of confidence. I think this is a great idea. However if you were waiting for it, here comes the “but.” It seems with every […]
How To Use LinkedIn to Connect Like a Pro
It happens quite often that I receive connect requests through LinkedIn from people I don’t know, where the sender only sends the standard message: I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate that someone found me interesting enough to send that request. However I wonder about […]
The Internet in 60 Seconds
60 seconds may not seem like much time at all, but look at what happens online every 60 seconds.
I’d Like to Add You to My Professional Network — Um Why?
LinkedIn is a great tool for networking. It’s also a great tool for meeting new people that you would like to connect with. You can connect to people through your current connections, groups, as well as many other ways. I’m also a big advocate of using the network to help promote yourself and your business. […]
4 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Network Like a Pro
There is always a lot of talk about Facebook breaking records for sheer numbers of users and now Google+ has come a long and proved to be the fastest growing network of all time, but their cousin LinkedIn is still the networking site for business. LinkedIn has morphed from it’s early days of just being […]
Does Your Company Need a Social Networking Policy?
Social Media in the Workplace Do You Need a Social Networking Policy by Jeannine Hohman, HR Strategist, TriStarr Staffing Today’s employers are faced with many challenges, including managing a multi-generational workforce. Employees come from many backgrounds, cultures and the generations may span between World War II (born before 1940) and Baby Boomer (born 1941 – […]
Wondering About the Cost of Social Media? Think: “Time is Money”

Their is a misconception among a lot of businesses and business owners that Social Media is free. When I come across people that believe this, I try to explain to them that even though many of the tools and platforms are free, using the free tools correctly is not. The old adage always comes to […]
LinkedIn Business Profiles: Add Admins to Your Company’s Profile
Did you know that you can now add admins to your company’s LinkedIn profile? It used to be once you created a profile for your company only you were able to edit it. Then they added the feature that anyone who has an email from your company domain. Now, you can add people in your […]
April Fools’ Day – Internet Filled with Spoofs
It seems everyone is getting in on the April Fools’ Day action today. Youtube posted black-and-white videos said to be from 1911. Huffington Post put up a fake pay wall on their site. Hulu published a pixely 1990’s looking redesign. Google played with the “helvetica” font. Even serious sights like LinkedIn was in on the […]
-1 Connections on LinkedIn
So what does it say about you if you have -1 connections on @LinkedIn ??? It can’t be good.
LinkedIn Adds Visual Network Mapping Tool – InMaps
LinkedIn recently launched a new feature called InMaps. With the new feature you can visualize your connections to see how they are connected to each other, where the hubs are and how your connections are related. All of this helps you better understand your relationship with your professional network. You might be surprised how some […]