The Next Evolution of Facebook
Facebook has recently done a major overhaul of their site. Including updates to your personal profiles and Facebook Pages.
Vote in Our Poll About the New Changes to Facebook Pages
I’ve created a poll on Facebook to get your opinions of the new changes. After it runs for a couple of days I will send it on to Facebook. Please follow the link below to take the poll. Let Facebook hear your voice!
Don’t Let Facebook Dump Your Page!
Facebook has decided to change everything again. This time definitely not for the better. They have decided to get rid of Facebook Pages and make them all look like profiles. This is a huge mistake and will prove to anger a lot of people.
Jon Stewart Shakes His Fist At Twitter
Jon Stewart pokes fun at Twitter.
To All Facebook Users — Make Sure You Read the New Terms of Use
I urge anyone that uses Facebook to engage in the discussion and become informed. How this is handled could set a precedence for other social networking sites.
Nächste Haltestelle: Deutsch – LinkedIn, Localization Experts You Ain’t
I give credit to LinkedIn for localizing the site. However, this promo video is not a good example of localization.
Social Networking, Facebook Pages and Your Company
Social networking has become the hottest way to engage customers. Traditional marketing is stumbling because people are tired of being sold to and tired of companies pushing their products on them. They want dialog and interaction.
TriStarr Staffing Facebook Page Goes Live!
We have been working with TriStarr Staffing for about a year now.. ..When they came to me and asked if we could set up a Facebook page for them I jumped on the opportunity!
Big Brother / Your Facebook Friends – Now Everyone Knows Where You Are

Brightkite’s recent integration with Facebook using Facebook Connect allows Brightkite users to automate their location..
Old School Marketing Just Does Not Get It
This is a great video that shows how old school marketing just doesn’t work anymore. Talking at customers doesn’t work anymore, you have..
Get More Exposure for Your Website and Company Name: A LinkedIn Tip

As an entrepreneur and a business owner I use it to promote my business. I’ve noticed that many people are missing out on a simple way to increase exposure for their company name and website.